Let me just say Spring Break was AMAZING hands down best trip of my life!!! So on Friday at 330am Me Amanda Cam and Jess ventured in a taxi to the airport to catch our 7oclock flight. At the airport we met with Kelsea, ate/drank some Starbys, and boarded the plane with my oversized luggage I snuck on. We landed in Milan around 9 and had a full day ahead of us!
So we dropped off our bags at Hotel Kennedy which was super cute and clean. Then headed to the Duomo. Once we arrived Jess and I went off to take pictures, but as we were making our way into the Plaza some guy came up to us, grabbed my hand, and threw bird seed in it. As soon as he let go of my hand a flock of about 15 pigeons attacked me landing not only in my hand but on my arm and head. It was really cool at the time until I realized that the birds were pigeons and probably dirty and disease infested. After the birds disappeared of course the creepy men demanded money (50 euro to be exact) Jess and I looked at them laughed in their faces and walked away. They were really aggressive and walked at us yelling but we just kept walking. Scary but cool.
After the Duomo we got our first Italian pizza at the Dragon Kitchen. It was amazing from then on I knew pizza was going to be our staple food on this italian adventure. I got a pizza with brie and spinach which was amazing. Afterwards we met up with Megan and went to the first ever Prada store. After walking around for a little we went back to the hotel for a nap because we were exhausted. We passed out till about 7 then went to go find some good italian eats. We went to the canal which was dried up but bustling with people. We decided on this little restaurant where everything was homemade. The chef was so nice and accommodating. So this was definitely one of the most memorable meals in italy because of the price. When we ordered we decided to get an antipasto and the waiter said for 5 and we were like ya of course. Little did we know that he would bring out 3 platters of meats and cheese. Let's just say it added about 80 more euro than expected to our bill. Lesson learned there.
Next morning we woke up and went to the top of the Duomo. It was a beautiful day so I got some great shots of the plaza, alps, and duomo architecture. We could have spent all day there but wanted to catch the train to venice asap! So off we went to the train station to continue our journey onto Venice...