So I haven't written a post in a while so bear with me while I try to remember what happened these past two weeks. Booking spring break has been pretty crazy. This week me, Jess, Cam, Amanda, and Megan sat down to book the hostels we will be staying at when we are over in Italy. We are planning on staying one night in Milan, 2 in Venice, and 4 in Rome. The hostel we booked in Rome is so cool looking it's called something Yellow and looks really chill and even has it's own bar. The first hotel we stay in in Rome is going to be a 4 person room so we are going to sneak Meg haha hope it works. Spring break is friday and I cannot believe it is happening so soon! We are going to have an amazing time and some crazy adventures!
This week in Brit Pop class we got to watch a movie on the Sex Pistols which was really cool and super interesting. They were a crazy group of guys esp. Syd and the real Nancy was busted. I had only seen actresses play her in lifetime movies, but she was a real piece of work. In Drama class we went to go see Enron which I did not enjoy at all. I thought it was kind of tacky, cool set design, boring information, and their interpretation of Americans was so so. There was a part that included 9/11 too which a lot of the kids in our class found kind of offensive and crossing the line. But all in all classes were enjoyable. I had to give a presentation for my Sports Marketing class today on Eventing. It went pretty well, but our teacher is so tough with the questions and Clive (the guy from MLB) was also there grading us.
On the weekend Cam, Megan, and I went to the Imperial War Museum. There were exhibitions on the Children's War, WW1 and 2, and the Holocaust. The Children's War exhibition was sad, but very well done. There was a classic 1940s house and it was interesting to learn about the evacuation of all those children during the war because I knew nothing about it. The WW1 exhibit was cool because they had this thing called the Trench experience and you went in and it was kind of "disney like" where it was dark and there were characters placed throughout. It smelt soooooo bad in there though. I think they were trying to get the real trench effect, but it really was unbearable. The Holocaust exhibit was the most interesting by far. It was nothing compared to the museum in Washington DC but it was still cool.
In terms of going out and the weekend. Midweek Cam and I went to the Sport's Bar where we met up with Siena and her friends. We caught the end of the ManUnited soccer game which was exciting because there were tons of people at the bar. On Thursday Amanda and I met the bro's (ben, jesse, steve, frank, and chad) and Kels, Jess, and Anna at Crazy Larries because they were having this amazing drink special where from 10 - 10:30 you could get as many free cocktails as you could drink. Amanda and I had a couple and they were delicious! By the time everyone showed up Amanda and I had been there for a good hour or so. We all hit the dance floor and had a great night which of course ended up waiting at a bus stop trying to figure out the bus schedule, but we finally made it home.
This weekend Cam, Manda, and I ventured to Leicster Sq. The first club we went to was Waxies which was really cool and crowded. The inside was so cool and looked like a forest. After Waxies closed we got free entry into Bar Rumba where we danced, met some sketchies and some guy from Canada who Cam stole his wine haha but he said it was fine because we were American. On Saturday night we had a roomie night at Pizza Express then went to Mango Lounge after sharing some delicious 3 pound wine. Once again we met up with the bros and Kels, Anna, and Jess and then night went on from there. It was lots of fun and ended up with everyone at our flat. At the flat we all sat around listening to Frank rap and Ben try to tune the guitar. Things got a little rowdy and Megan met Mamhud's daughter lol. The next morning the roomies went for a breakfast to Benjys and worked on homework for the rest of the day. Let's just say this weekend was a fun and interesting one!! Spring break this friday!!! I can't wait to write a huge post about all the places we went and things we saw and did!!!