On Friday we woke up at 6am to get ready and make the school bus to Liverpool. The ride was 4 hours and a little and filled with being the loud ones on the bus, watching A Hard Days Night movie, and napping. We arrived in Liverpool and went straight to the hostel. We had a room of 7 girls: me, amanda, cam, megan, kelsey, jess, and anna. The room had bunk beds was spacious and really clean. So on the first day we dropped off our bags and went to the Philharmonic where John Lennon used to love to go for a drink. The inside was all old wood and filled with older businessmen. The girls ended up going to Subway because we did not have too long before we had to hop on the "Magical Mystery Tour". The tour ended up being the buses we took to Liverpool but with a Beatle tour guide.
On the tour we got to see all the Beatle's houses, Strawberry Fields (which was really cool), Penny Lane, the church where John and Paul met, Eleanor Rigby graveyard, and more. We then went back to the hostel to get ready for the night! We went back to the Philharmonic for dinner and I got my first fish and chips while in England. The mashed peas were surprisingly good and we all split a bottle of wine which was tasty. After dinner we got ready and met up with all the Ithaca people at The Flute. We met some Liverpoodlians and had funny conversations about Kenan and Kel. I played pool with one of the guys who said he was a professional but I beat him on the second game. We then pub hopped to another pub Lennon used to frequent. It was more low key and Jess made friends with an old guy which was pretty hilarious. Cam and I tried to play a Glee song on the jute box but we left before we could here it. The night was pretty crazy from then on...Cam and I did a lot of just popping into different places where we met some characters. Jess made friends with a homeless man who tried to steal her pizza but we were not letting that happen. We then retired to the hostel's common room where we got to play pool again but were freaked out by the people from the club next door looking into the windows at us.
The next morning was an early one. We woke up around 7 and had to shower which we knew would be an adventure in this hostel. Cam and I had to shower in the shower down the hall because the water was ice cold in our room. We got ready for the day and went to the Beatles museum/exhibition which was sooo cool. I loved seeing all the old instruments, costumes, and replica of the cavern. I bought some postcards, we had lunch at Starbucks, and then we broke off from the group and went to the Cavern. The Cavern was soooo much fun =) We got to see the first choir ever play on the stage and listened to a really good cover band while having a couple pints. Kelsey and i got to write our names on the ceiling of the steps leading down to the bar so check it out! We then had to rush back to the hostel to catch the bus home and check out. The cab ride was loads of fun and we created the best song ever!!!!! which will remain a secret but will forever be in our hearts haha "i wanna slap him" Lets just say I don't think our cab driver was very amused. So we all got on the bus and went to the beach with the statues on it. It was freezing out so we took some pictures, got some hot chocolate, and got on the bus to head back to London. We stopped at a bus stop for dinner and got WIMPYS a cool fast food place where they put rice on the burgers? On the bus back we watched "Pirate Radio" which was really good. Cam, Amanda, and I kept the back of the bus entertained with our games of MASH and ORANGE which were HILARIOUS!
When we got home we all came back to our flat and decided to go to Miss Qs "our little gem". There we all danced and met some guys from Dublin who were really funny and nice. Jess and Cam stole cake from a private party while I kept watch it was the one of the funniest things I have seen in a while. After the club we all came back to our place and Jess made her music video for our new song which should be hitting Itunes in early June. Today is Valentine's Day so the girls and I are going to grab a drink with the Dubliners before a sushi dinner and going to see the Valentine's Day movie. Stay tuned for more adventures...